Labels:crt screen | earth | fence | monitor | plant | reckoner | road | sky | stairs OCR: MacT ToVax texi conyerter to 80 Conyert char: text fline files and MSYord files Replaces non standa ASCU codes Gordon Graber Academic Computing Drake University, 1992 Uses XCI MDs pue XFCNs bu Apple Computer and Gordon Gr aber process single file click on the Start button and select the file from the file dialog. CmrentRie Batus If ther probleu eror buttor +ill appear Clicking button +ill displau error log con aining escription the button and loq cleared then you exit the stack File Lists allos you process several files one session. Clicl the PPY r Delete button the list Waring Business Plan.t MalomXt One Act Plays.txt Processing: To begin click on the Start button File names remoyed from the 1is+ they are processed The tus field qiyes you indic ions of the current files progress clicl im ...